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申博菲律宾app Wealth Tracker

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  • 通过访问申博菲律宾app的全国认可的研究和投资见解,更好地了解您投资的公司
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Committees of the Board

我们董事会的常务委员会是执行委员会, Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Corporate Governance & Nominations Committee, and Risk Management Committee. 符合纽约证券交易所公司治理标准, 我们的董事会在没有管理层的情况下定期召开执行会议, 至少每年安排一次只有独立董事参加的执行会议,由一名非管理董事轮流主持.

Audit Committee
审计委员会的现任成员均为独立董事 as defined by the New York Stock Exchange, are:

The duties of the Audit Committee include:

  • 向董事会推荐经股东批准提名的会计师事务所作为公司的独立审计师,必要时对独立审计师进行补偿和解聘;
  • 定期与独立审计师和财务管理人员会面,审查当年建议审计的范围, the proposed audit fees, and the audit procedures to be utilized, reviewing the audit and eliciting the judgment of the independent auditors regarding the quality of the accounting principles applied to our financial statements; and
  • Evaluating on an annual basis the qualification, performance and independence of the independent auditors, 根据委员会对独立审计员报告的审查和独立审计员全年的表现.

Each member of the Audit Committee is financially literate, knowledgeable and qualified to review financial statements. 董事会指定的“审计委员会财务专家”是. Brown.

Compensation Committee
薪酬委员会现任成员均为独立董事 as defined by the New York Stock Exchange, are:

The duties of the Compensation Committee include:

  • 审查并向董事会推荐我们所有员工的薪水 executive officers;
  • 审查市场数据,以评估我们的零部件的竞争地位 executive compensation; and
  • 向董事会提出有关采纳、修改的建议 and rescission of employee benefit plans.

Corporate Governance & Nominations Committee

Corporate Governance & Nominations Committee
The current members of the Corporate Governance & Nominations Committee, 根据纽约证券交易所的定义,他们都是独立董事, are:

The duties of the Corporate Governance & Nominations Committee include:

  • 监督董事会和董事会委员会的组织、成员和结构;
  • Leading Board and Board Committee self-evaluation;
  • 监督公司的行政和公司结构,并提出改进建议 to its effectiveness;
  • 寻找合格的个人成为我们的董事会成员和选择董事 提交股东年会上选举和审议的候选人 nominees for directors recommended by our shareholders;
  • 检讨公司的慈善策略、公司政治献金及游说活动 政策,公司的保护和环境政策,以及公司的持续努力 the economic development of the communities in which it operates; and
  • 促进公司努力鼓励多样性和尊重员工之间的多样性 公司的员工,包括领导层,考虑到性别多样性,种族 多样性、种族多样性和其他背景和身份的多样性.

根据委员会章程及公司管治指引, 风险管理/公司管治委员会考虑推荐的候选人 由股东审查董事的资格和贡献 standing for election each year.

任何希望在股东大会上提名董事候选人的股东 会议必须提前通知,并且必须提供有关的某些信息 提名人,包括姓名、申博菲律宾app、背景、经验 and other pertinent information on the proposed candidate.

在确定和评估董事候选人时,委员会考虑以下因素 其他因素,每位候选人的性格、判断力、职业专长, 相关的技术技能,多样性,以及候选人将在多大程度上 fill a need on the board of directors.

Risk Management Committee
The current members of the Risk Management Committee, 根据纽约证券交易所的定义,他们都是独立董事, are:

The duties of the Risk Management Committee include:

  • 定期与管理层一起审查我们的总体风险敞口和风险管理流程; including our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Risk Officer and Chief Compliance Officer;
  • 监督公司的企业风险管理计划和公司的响应能力 to and discussions and compliance with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and other regulators’ input, reviews and rules;
  • Considering the wide range of risks the Company confronts, including market risk, credit risk, technological and operational risk, liquidity and funding risk, compliance and legal risk, reputational risk, risks arising from actual or potential conflicts of interest, and strategic risk; and
  • 审查新出现的公司风险以及公司为解决这些风险所做的努力.

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